Review: Haida M10-II Filterholder

 I`m a regular user of filters; both circular polarizer and neutral density-filters plays big part on my landscape workflow. Nowadays, also nightsky-filters (read my light-pollution filter fieldtest) have become more important thing to enable my visions. This review is based on my experiences during couple of month period.

November 2021 Haida released new, revised version of M10 filterholder; M10-II.  This is my third complete filter holder-setup that I have used. After receiving M10 v1 back in 2019 I thought that product was near to perfection. Using it over two years, the were no signs of wearing or parts getting loose; clearly a high quality product made for work.

Check my review of M10 Filter holder system.

I was bit surprised when I received M10-II filter holder system  earlier in this year. New version,  minor improvments or new features?  Read ahead, my field experience and final verdict.

What is included

Package includes a hard cover pouch carrying holder itself, drop-in circular polarizer, drop-in light barrier and extra brackets for adding third slot for 100mm filter.

Adapter ring

Adapter rings are the same both for M10 markI and updated MkII version. Adapter ring are screwed into lens threads and filter holder locks over the adapter ring and can be secured with locking knob and locking lever.

Filter holder

Updated construction is rigid, feels sturdy and nicely crafted metal. No sharp edges that might stick. Locking knob and locking lever have tight fit and does not rattle when shaking the holder.   By default you can add two 100mm wide filters and one drop-in filter to holder. With additional brackets screwed in its possible to add third 100mm filter. So in total, four filters can be installed.  For light insulation Haida has glued some soft material that sits between holder`s body and closest mounted 100mm filter.

Drop-in filters

Drop-in-filters were presented simultaneously with original M10. Round ones drop-in filters which can be inserted easily to slot and lock in place. Drop-in-filters are located nearest on the lens. At the moment there are several drop-in-filters available:

-ND (from stops 1 to 12)-

Gradual ND-Circular polarizer + ND

-Circular polarizer

-Clear night

One clever  feature is included on Drop-in circular polarizer. Top of the filter can be found a small wheel which rotates the filter itself.Filter holder kit also includes Drop-in “Light barrier” if you don`t want to use round filter. 

Final word

During the five month test period M10II performed well both on cold and warm temperatures. 100mm filters slides easily to slots. Drop-in filter locks in place and can be inserted with two-finger hold or even with gloves on. Locking knob gives some safe so that holder with filters will not drop when moving or carrying the tripod-camera-combination.Haida have done some tune-ups for basic features and added some earlier mentioned new ones. Professional grade tool, highly recommended. 

More info can be found on Haida`s product center

Local reseller in Finland:  Fotonordic 


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